I stopped by the local Rite Aid and made a purchase totaling $5.78, for which I handed the cashier a twenty dollar bill.
Register Dude: "Do you have 78 cents?"
Me: "No I do not."
RD: Hands me $15 and says, "I'll have to give you the last 4 dollars in quarters."
Me: Stares.
RD: Starts counting out quarters...
Me: Stares some more...
Shaking my head I realize I have $5.00 in my wallet and some change in my car. I return the $15 and ask for my $20 and I say I'll get the exact change from my car.
I return from the car and hand register dude $5.80 for my $5.78 purchase. He puts the money in the register, and...
I tell RD he only owns me 2 cents, and at this point he is totally lost. Fortunately the manager notices there's an issue and comes over. I tell her I appreciate the offer but I am not owed $20 in change. I got my 2 cents in change, and as I left the manager had not yet spoken, but was only looking at RD in disbelief.
And this is why they have to put directions on shampoo bottles.
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