Friday, October 9, 2015

Flying Dog Dogtoberfest

I do look forward to the Oktoberfest beers showing up on the store shelves and local taps each fall. The rich, bready malt flavors just seem to go with the cooler weather. During the rest of the year I lean towards the bolder citrus and hoppy styles, but for a few weeks I take a respite from Pale Ales and IPAs. One of the Oktoberfest beers I manage to grab each year is Flying Dog Dogtoberfest.

Flying Dog Dogtoberfest Märzen pours a deep orange-amber color with a moderate beige head. The aroma is a rich, bready malt. The flavor profile brings in roasted and caramel malt, with just a touch of sweetness. A hint of nuttiness comes through as well. The finish leaves a mildly astringent bitterness and mouthfeel is moderately thick and creamy. The Fying Dog influence in the beer is apparent from the slightly notched up flavor profile compared to the average Märzen.

I probably won't enjoy as many Oktoberfest beers this season as I have in the past, but I have more Dogtoberfest in the fridge, so I'll be having more of this one at least.

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