Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sheriffs Who Get It

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ might be the most well-known and outspoken Sheriff who regularly shows his support for armed, law-abiding citizens. However, he is not alone in speaking out. I've noticed a frequent news item recently about these elected officials.

Sheriff Clarke: The 2nd Amendment Is Treated Like the Constitution’s Bastard Child
Milwaukee County, WI

Police Chief Craig: Armed Detroiters cut terror risk
Detroit, MI

New York Sheriff Urges Citizens to Carry Guns After San Bernardino Mass Shooting
Ulster County, NY

Second NY Sheriff Urges Licensed Gun Owners to Carry Their Weapons
Sullivan County, NY

Florida sheriff calls on people to be ready to take on terrorists themselves
Brevard County, FL

Missouri sheriff discounts concealed carry permits to encourage armed citizenry
Laclede County, MO

Boone County Sheriff Michael Helmig calls on concealed carry permit holders to always carry gun
Burlington County, KY

NY Sheriff Urges Concealed Permit Holders to Carry 'at All Times' to Fight Terrorism
Steuben County, NY

Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple: Bad Guys Win “When We Live In Fear”, Promotes Concealed Carry In His County Alongside Training
Albany County, NY

We the people are the first line of defense against thugs and terrorists. Law enforcement is rarely present at the start of a violent crime, rather arriving after the fact to take a report and bag evidence. These gentlemen are to be commended for speaking out and showing that the safety of their constituents is their primary concern.

All that said, it's sad that a law enforcement officer declaring his support for the Constitution is considered "news."


  1. Arizona, not Florida. But that's okay. We still love Sheriff Joe.

    1. I knew that. :-) Not sure how that in there, but thanks for the catch! Fixed.


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