Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Great Minds Think Alike

Yesterday afternoon I made an spur of the moment run out to the local beer store to check if my favorite late winter release, Tröegs Nugget Nectar was in stock. A successful beer run made, I returned to my desk and within a few minutes received a text message from Colleen, who happened to be out running errands at the same time.

That's Hardywood Sidamo Coffee Stout and Blue Mountain Dark Hollow Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout in her cart. Looks like we both had the same idea! We'll have plenty of good beer to enjoy this week.


  1. I too was out yesterday for some Nugget Nectar. We probably just missed each other. I was also happy to finally find the DB Collab pack and Danzig at Wegman's. I ended up with a couple of bottles of the BB Sidamo from TW last week, right off the distributors cart. Was Colleen at Costco? I almost stopped there to see what they had...

    1. Yep, those bottles came from Costco.

      Thanks for the tip on DB pack. Need to get that one still.



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