Wednesday, February 24, 2016

That's a Mug, Not a Stein

Okay, semantics.

A few weeks ago I received an email solicitation from the SIG Sauer store for a J.P. Sauer & Sohn Beer Stein. I'm an unabashed SIG fan and a beer lover, but I resisted ordering the swag. For a while.

When the package arrived, I first noticed the light weight of the box. (Actually, I first noticed the damage to the box done by the USPS.) Upon unpacking I was at first disappointed in the size of the stein.

The stoneware stein is marked .5L, so it does actually hold a little more than 16 ounces. The handle is small, two fingers at most. I would have more happy if it was a larger, easier to use stein, but it will likely sit on a shelf anyway. And it's nice looking despite the size.

On the bright side, I did learn that a half liter German mug is called a Humpen. (I don't recall being taught that one by Herr Professor in my college German classes.)


  1. I have a few of them, humpens from different places, they are steins too since they are earthenware. My favorite is one with the pic of the Wilder Mann (wild man) on it that I bought in Germany for about $3 or $4 (US value) maybe 15 years ago. Each has a different sized handle. I have one like yours, only fits two fingers, maybe three if I squeeze. They sit on the china cabinet top most times but I do use them for my better beers and ales. I use them much more often that the so called traditional steins I own.

    1. I hear ya. I don't often drink from the few steins I own. I prefer glass. But in all honesty I may be drinking from this on occasion, and by that I mean soon. Very soon. ;-)


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