Friday, March 25, 2016

Five O'Clock (Meatless) Friday: Lent

Reminder to myself:

It's Good Friday. Lent is almost over.


  1. LOL! My sister is arriving any minute and I SO want to take her to get bbq at Monk's. But if I did I'd have to make do with potato salad and coleslaw.

  2. Hmm, I had two Sausage Biscuits at McD's for breakfast, a Big Mac for lunch (I rarely eat at McDonald's but it was convenient while working yesterday)and a slice of pizza with pepperoni last night for dinner. Was I not supposed to eat those things yesterday because I was raised Catholic?

    Oh well, so many people, in my lifetime, have told me to go to hell that I must have taken their advice because over the past few decades I've been assuring myself a slot there if it comes down to what I have eaten and when I have eaten it.


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