Thursday, March 10, 2016

One Lucky S.O.B.

We headed into the District of Crime Columbia Wednesday evening to watch the Hokies play in the ACC Tournament. Arriving early, we opted for dinner at the Green Turtle in the Verizon Center. Since I had plenty of time before the drive home, I hoped to enjoy a beer with dinner. The menu listed a "Flying Dog seasonal." Our waiter said he thought it was the K-9 Winter Ale, which didn't interest me. He returned to the table to let me know it was Lucky S.O.B. Irish Ale. Lucky me!

I opted for the smaller 16 ounce serving. However when the beer arrived, our server informed me the bartender accidentally poured the large serving, and it was mine at the smaller price. Lucky me!

Lucky S.O.B Irish Red Ale was first bottled by Flying Dog a few years ago and I've enjoyed it often since, but I don't recall that I've had it on draft until now. Lucky me! The ale pours a deep, reddish-copper color with a frothy beige head. Strong caramel and bready notes great the nose. The flavor is rich with toasted and caramel malts. There's a crisp hop bitterness and a touch of sweetness in the mix. The beer finishes with a lingering bitterness. The low 5.5% ABV and moderately light body left me fit to enjoy the game, even when combined with a large buffalo chicken sandwich for dinner.

I enjoy Irish/Red Ales this time of year. The Flying Dog interpretation is well done, with a balanced but full flavor profile. It was a good opening salvo for this season of Irish Ales. Lucky me!

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