Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Male Logic

It's all in your point of view...

Woman:  Do you drink beer?

Man:  Yes

Woman:  How many beers a day?

Man:  Usually about 3

Woman:  How much do you pay per beer?

Man: $5.00 which includes a tip.

Woman:  And how long have you been drinking?

Man: About 20 years, I suppose

Woman: So a beer costs $5.00 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450.00.   In one year, it would be approximately $5400.00 correct?

Man:  Correct

Woman:  If in 1 year you spend $5400.00, not accounting for inflation, the past 20 years puts your spending at $108,000.00 correct?

Man:  Correct

Woman:  Do you know that if you didn't drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a  Ferrari?

Man:  Do you drink beer?

Woman:  No.

Man:  Where's your Ferrari?


  1. Turning a joke one to a serious topic, I've read that the "okay" limit for beer consumption is, for me, two to three a day. How the okay limit is determined, I don't know, but it's a moving target. Two seems save right now, anyhow, but you'll see some people react with shock to that. On the other hand, in days gone by, that level of alcohol consumption would have probably been on the low end in a lot of European societies.

    Taking that out a bit, I see where some are suggesting that Chesterton's cause should not be successful as he got to be large in his old age and he drank a quart of beer (apparently) per day. I'm not too certain that a quart of beer per day was regarded as shocking during his lifetime, but apparently it is now to at least some. Given as sharp as he was, it doesn't seem to have impacted him any. His health was bad in the end, but then I also don't know that people were as obsessed with these things to the level of expecting everyone to go to the gym or they're guilty of a vice level we seem to have now.

    Not sure where I was going with this (my coffee, no doubt viewed as a vice by some) hasn't kicked in yet this morning.

    1. Folks are often surprised by how little beer I actually drink. Most days I don't have a beer. Of course, there's special events, like vacationing in MT when my consumption goes up. Hitting the shooting range for matches and practice, and even dry fire sessions at home reduce the frequency. And of course, living an armed lifestyle certainly affects where and when we venture out. (Someday I'll do a post about freak out from some gun people when alcohol and firearms are even mentioned in the same sentence.) I guess "quality not quantity" is my motto.

      Judging people from history by today's standards is usually a bad idea. If you listen to most pundits these days, it's a wonder any of us lived past our teen years.


    2. After this entry, I happened upon a site that was discussing Chesterton's cause, in which I learned that some folks are opposing it on the basis of "intemperance". I hardly think Chesterton intemperate, but that did lead me to ponder how that concept really varies over time and geography and posted an entry on that:


      It's interesting how we continue to have folks who take a very late 19th Century, early 20th Century, Prohibitionist angle on the topic, although now it's not normally grounded in a conventional moralistic approach so much as in our hypersensitive medical/dietary/moralistic approach.


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