Monday, January 2, 2017

Wrapping Up Vacation

I'm sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee on the last day of vacation and listening to the rain falling outside. I feel the start of a cold coming on, but at least it didn't start during the week off. I take a "staycation" this time each year. Unlike my summer time vacation, many of my co-workers are off as well, so I get few "emergency" texts, and my daily email check is done quickly.

Reflecting on the past week, it was a fun time away from the daily grind. Most of the time was spent doing nothing more than, well, nothing. A lot of time was spent reading and watching TV, and falling asleep doing both. I only got out shooting twice; first our the annual Day After Christmas range trip with friends, and then a quick visit to the indoor range.

We did get away for a few days to head down to Charlotte for the Belk Bowl. How 'bout them Hokies?!?!  It was an exciting game and we enjoyed some good BBQ while we were there as well. In proof that you can never hide even in a crowd, we heard from several friends that we were shown in one of the crowd shots on TV during the ESPN broadcast. I hope they got my good side.

I suspect today will be one last lazy day before it's time to become a slave to the alarm clock once again. On the bright side, it's a four day work week.

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