Lobby Day continues to pay off. All the gun-control bills are now dead for this year.It's a welcome sign that all the anti-gun bills were killed this year. However, I fully expect our governor, who's more interested helping criminals than law-abiding citizens, will veto the bills without a second glance.
The following three pro-rights bills have passed both the House and Senate and are headed to the Governor's desk for his signature or veto:
HB1432, Delegate Lee Ware, legalizes switchblades and allows for concealed carry of them in certain cases.
HB 1582, Delegate Jeffrey Campbell, allows active duty or honorably discharged military members who are over 18 and under 21 years old to apply for a CHP. This would also fix the issue with Georgia not honoring our CHPs.
HB 1849, Delegate Gilbert, allows Circuit Court Clerks to laminate or create plastic CHPs.
There are another 15 pro-rights bills still working through the system in both houses.
We suffered one loss: SB 1441, Senator Glen Sturtevant, would have allowed gun owners to vote absentee if their poling place bans guns. This bill was put in for VCDL and we thank the Senator for doing so. We will look at other ways to skin that cat next year.
I am most interested in HB 1582 which would likely lead to Georgia honoring Virginia Concealed Handgun Permits. It's interesting that GA doesn't recognize VA due to the Commonwealth of Virginia believing that U.S. military personnel between 18 and 21 cannot be trusted to carry a handgun concealed. Think about that for a moment.
Follow the VCDL Legislation Tracking Tool for the latest on pro-right bills as they move through the legislature.
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