Saturday, April 8, 2017

This Is Why I Don't Go To Gun Shows

I haven't set foot in a gun show since 2009. This is one reason. How many gun safety violations can you see here?

The accompanying story reports that former Tulsa County reserve deputy, Brian Pounds shot Rick Treadwell in the finger. That Treadwell was only shot in the finger is nothing short of miraculous. The video shows Pounds racking the slide to check, supposedly to check for an empty chamber, without first removing the magazine from the gun. That action subsequently loaded a round into the chamber. He then points the gun at another person. And pulls the trigger.

It's only four rules. It shouldn't be that hard to keep straight.


  1. That guy should lose his job as a reserve deputy as well as being banned from using all firearms. What a moron!

    1. Wanenmacher's needs to better qualify the help, that's for sure.

  2. That sort of made my eyes water...

    1. I'll bet he's been heard say, "I've been around guns all my life."


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