Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Gun Saint Group Lauds Jesuit Scholars on Islam

The Gabriel Possenti Society has issued a statement in support of some Jesuit scholars who have been brave enough to speak the truth regarding the nature of islam. These individuals buck the trend of political correctness in order to warn of the dangers to Christians posed by these barbaric teachings.
"The St. Gabriel Possenti Society on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi commends individual Jesuit scholars throughout the world for telling it like it is about the intrinsic murderous nature of Islam," Society chairman John M. Snyder said here today.

"These courageous, individual priests of the Society of Jesus are NOT saying that all Muslims are murderers," Snyder stipulated.  "They are noting that the foundational documents of Islam, such as the Koran, approve of and even recommend the murder of non-Muslims in the promulgation of Islam.

"These Jesuits are rendering a tremendous service to civilized humanity.  Many religious, media, entertainment and political personalities have been advancing the idea that jihadist violence, including brutal throat-slashing decapitations, somehow is an aberration of Islam.  It's not.  It's part and parcel of Mohammedanism."
As faithful Catholics, we've often witnessed a corruption of the faith touted by modern Jesuits. Political correctness, under the guise of "social justice" is a common theme among the order and many Catholics are subsequently misled. It's refreshing that some members of the order still learn and teach the truth. As Snyder notes, "We appreciate deeply the courage of Jesuits who are standing up for the truth in this matter, despite the politically correct but pathetic and impotent stances of some Jesuit superiors and even the Pope."

See "Possenti Society Lauds Jesuit Exposure of Islamist Murder Truth" for the complete statement.

More information on this blog about Saint Gabriel Possenti


  1. Bravo. But one thing Christians need to do is to educate themselves in order to respond to the idiocy of moral equivilancy. The spluttered "But but but CRUSADES"...needs to be answered with facts and sources. Despite a strong desire to slap someone into next Tuesday.

    1. Two key words that tell my I'm dealing with a clueless person is when they respond with "crusades" or "racist." Unfortunately these days it seems to be a willful ignorance. Unfortunately, it seems we'll have to learn the hard way.


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