Monday, June 19, 2017

Use The Range To Shoot, Not Talk

My son and I headed to the range to shoot on Sunday. As we drove past the first pistol bay, we noted a group of folks at the firing line. They were just sitting there, talking. We continued on to the next pistol bay. It too was occupied by another group. This group was also sitting in chairs and chatting. So we continued on to the rifle range, only to find it occupied as well, by a bunch of folks sitting at the bench, talking.

At all bays, targets were hung and guns were on the benches, but the shooters were just chatting. Not shooting. Not checking targets. Not reloading magazines. As we reversed our drive out of the park, the activity at all three ranges had not changed. At we pulled through the gate to exit, we heard it — single shot from one of the pistol ranges.

We knew there was the possibility that families might be spending time at the range with dad on Father's Day. It would be less frustrating if they actually wanted to shoot while they were there.

Look, a pavilion where people could sit and talk

Instead we spent the afternoon chatting on the deck at home. We'll hit the range — to shoot — later this week.

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