Friday, September 1, 2017

"Match Cancelled"

It was disappointing to see those words jump out at me from my inbox. I was looking forward to the road trip with a friend tomorrow to shoot the September IDPA match at Sanner's Lake in Maryland. But alas, inclement weather has brought those plans to a screeching halt.

With the wet weather we've been having, I have no doubt the conditions at the range are poor, and will only worsen. Looking on the bright side, I was motivated last night to clean my gun in anticipation so it will be still clean the next time I use it. And, given the wet weather, I will get a reprieve from cutting the grass it seems.


  1. It suddenly has become wet, cool, raw, grey, and entirely too fallish.

    1. Agreed! So much for a gradual transition. And I see leaves on the ground in my yard. :-/


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