Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Preventing Flamethrower Violence

Loudon County Delegate John Bell must find it hard to sleep at night. How could anyone, with all those grenade launchers and flamethrowers on the streets?

He proudly, and with a straight face, states"I support measures like universal background checks, and oppose bills that would make it easier to access military-style weapons like flamethrowers."

Wow. Fear monger much?


  1. Replies
    1. Agreed. Sadly, his constituents can't see it.

  2. I had to watch this twice because I thought it was satire.
    I didn't realize there was a crime problem in VA where rocket launchers, bazookas and flame throwers were being used.
    I'll have to remember to wear my nomex jacket next time I go to the Alamo theater in Winchester.

    1. I did the same. If I hadn't seen on his campaigns web site I would have assumed it to be an excellent troll.

  3. You're never sorry you brought a flamethrower.

    Well, maybe to the library.

    1. Hopefully Bell's threat won't cause flamethrower and bazooka prices to inflate. ;-)

  4. Well, you deplorable Virginians all ride around in pick-up trucks adorned with Confederate battle flags chasing minorities, so whate do you expect?

    1. You know the dems are getting desperate when they run ads like that. Even I didn't think Ralph Northam was that despicable.


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