Friday, January 12, 2018

VCDL 2018 Legislation Tracking Tool

The Virginia Citizens Defense League has posted the 2018 Legislation Tracking Page. This is a handy way to keep track of bills affecting gun owners in Virginia. Follow the page for the latest information as bills work their way through the legislature. Here you'll see who's defending your rights, and who's "goose-stepping toward gun-control."

You can also get legislative updates as they happen via the VCDL Twitter feed.

This is an extremely important year for gun owners. The Governor-elect has stated that his number one priority for his administration is disarming law abiding Virginians and making them the victims of predators.

It's actually not hard to understand why leftists constantly make the absurd claim that disarming law abiding people keeps criminals from committing crime. It's well known that liberal men prefer defenseless victims. In truth, gun control advocates are concerned only about their own power and keeping others subordinate.

Sic semper tyrannis

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