Sunday, May 6, 2018

Blog Maintenance Ahead

Sorry for the administrative post. I'll be completing the aforementioned domain change for these Musings over the next 24 hours or so. The domain for Musings Over a Barrel will be changed permanently to Currently the new URL merely redirects to Once the change is complete, I plan to have the old domain redirect to Confused? Me too. :-) But it should work.

If you haven't done so already, please go ahead update your links and bookmarks to avoid any issues if the switch fails. Folks using the RSS feeds may experience errors, depending on when and how you subscribed. I apologize sincerely if anyone gets lost.

I think I'll pour a beer and reread my notes to make sure I haven't missed anything...

UPDATE, May 7: The domain update seems to have worked. However, the old RSS feed is no longer updating. If you have entered in your reader, you will need to update to Also, to the kind people who link to the RSS feed on your own blogs, please update your links as well. I appreciate your patience and assistance!


  1. Replies
    1. So far so good! The domain name changes are propagating.

      Now the RSS feed issue....

  2. Yay, I can access it at work now! (Previously flagged as "alcohol related" by the very intelligent proxy filters.

    1. Glad to hear it Matt! Hopefully they won't begin filtering on scary looking metal and plastic objects. ;-)



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