Sunday, December 16, 2018

An Update on Blog Updates (or lack thereof)

Figured I better rattle this thing to see if it still works. It's been an interesting couple of months, but not necessarily interesting in a blogging manner.

Once fall arrives, many of our weekends are taken up by college football. Those events do lead to some opportunities to enjoy a good drink and cigar, as mentioned here. Although the games and tailgating events are fun, they do conflict with shooting events. To my chagrin, it's been over two months since I was able to shoot a match. Even more regrettable, even a quick trip to the range is a nearly month old memory at this point.

I've had a few work-related trips of late as well. Those do take time away from the more pleasurable activities. On the bright side, those trips also offer opportunities to enjoy interesting food and drink in new spots. However, the excursions are also time consuming which limits my time, and energy, to muse about them.

As mentioned previously, cold weather can be the bane of my existence as times. I set up a new humidor recently, and spent some effort and money stocking it. All that came together about the same time the weather turned cold. That has severely limited the time I'm able, and willing, to sit outside and enjoy a cigar. Instead I'm spending some time at a local cigar shop that has decent lounge, in addition to a well-stocked humidor. Perhaps I'll share tales of some events there in the future.

Looking forward, my match schedule for 2019 is coming together. Or at least I have some ideas on IDPA sanctioned matches to consider. I do expect to shoot some fun events in the coming year, assuming I can also get in a reasonable amount of practice. Meanwhile, I am doing some, but not enough, dry fire.

We don't get out to as many beer-related events as we used to. Frankly, I prefer my alcohol consumed at home. There are however, a couple of beers waiting in the wings for review when the schedule allows.

So there it is, my post about not posting. In retrospect, there's lots of stuff happening, I'm just remiss in putting it to paper, so to speak.

Cheers, until next time...


  1. NO problem! Trust me, life DOES tend to get in the way of blogging... LOL

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      I do miss the relaxation of writing the about the fun times, but I miss doing the fun times even more! :-)
      Here's looking to warmer weather! Cheers.


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