Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Surviving the Worst Day

During my hospital stay, I was reading Cigar Lounge Wisdom: Ruminations Inspired in a Cigar Bar, by Frank Borelli. The Kindle book's description says, " anthology of essays written based on discussions held in a cigar bar." While the cigar lounge connection is somewhat nebulous, it is an interesting read, and parts were quite inspiring given my situation.

One line in the book jumped out as especially apropos...

It's a quote I've reminded myself of frequently in the past weeks.


  1. And you have to remind yourself of things like that over and over.

    1. So true. I don't need convincing, just reminding at times.

  2. Amen brother. And when the clock strikes 12 we find we have tied the world record for one day.

    1. Yes sir! I'm with you. Each day's a bonus.


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