Monday, March 30, 2020

STILL No Range Time But Cigars Are Still A Go

The last time I was able to enjoy some range time was the Sanner's Lake IDPA match at the beginning of the month. Subsequent plans to shoot Cavalier IDPA and the next Sanner's Lake matches have been cancelled indefinitely. The upcoming MD State and VA State IDPA matches are in doubt as well. Despite the fact that the DHS has ruled that shooting ranges are "essential services," our leftist Governor has ordered them be closed, thus also quashing any practice indoor practice opportunity.

At least the government can't control the weather (yet) so the back deck was a fitting place for social distancing this weekend. Chores, cigars and a few good beverages, would once again provide a pleasant distraction. Spending so much time isolated on the deck led to me being tired of looking at the rusty fan housing, so I resolved to clean and repaint it. The first round of paint done Saturday morning, I settled in with a Camacho Connecticut, paired with a Bold Rock cider. Both the smoke and the drink are on the lighter side of my usual preferences. However, for mid-afternoon relaxation, they proved more than satisfactory. I may revisit both in the near future.

Saturday evening, while Colleen was enjoying a virtual gathering with a group of her friends, I again escaped outside. This time, my pairing choice was Basil Hayden's Dark Rye and a Rocky Patel Tavicusa. This hiatus from the worldly chaos offered more kick than the afternoon pairing. I hope my neighbors enjoyed the loud Joe Bonamassa music blaring from my speakers. Coincidently, the bottle of rye was picked up during our traditional beverage run after the last IDPA match I was able to shoot. The rich, full of flavor of the smoke was an exceptional match for the unique taste of the whiskey.

Our governor has also made it illegal for the faithful to attend religious services, so we started Sunday morning watching a live-stream of Holy Mass in our living room. (Like guns, religion has long topped the left's hit list.) The virtual substitute for the real thing absorbed, it was time to finish the fan painting project. That was followed by a bit of yard work, which was a welcome reminder that spring is upon us.

Once again, I shortly found myself on the deck for a relaxing and distracting afternoon smoke. The warm sun on my back, the first cigar of the day was Crowned Heads Four Kicks 2019 Limited Edition while sipping on some iced tea. The full bodied smoke was enjoyed while listening to a bevy of birds singing in the woods, including some very vocal Pileated Woodpeckers and a distant Bard Owl.

The restful interlude was followed by a few more quick chores around the yard. Later, after dinner I retired to my spot on the deck, basking in the warmth and admiring that newly refreshed fan. (Simple pleasures for simple people.) Colleen joined me in enjoying the sunshine, while we listened to the neighborhood owl who was still being quite vocal. Hopefully we'll enjoy the sight of him soon.

For a quick "dessert" I grabbed an Oliva Serie G Maduro to enjoy with my after dinner coffee. The small cigar was good for a quick 40 minute smoke.

And then the weekend was over. Good drink, cigars, and a few spring-cleaning chores were good distractions over the two days. I'd really like to share the news of a trip to the range or a brewery, but I suspect this will be the extent of our adventures for some time to come.


  1. Do what you can... And dry fire is better than nothing... sigh

    1. So true. I do admit to not drying firing lately as much as I used to. Guess I have the time now. :-/

      And I just received the cancellation notice for MD State IDPA match in May. There's no joy in Mudville tonight.

      Stay well my friend.


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