Friday, October 6, 2023

Sixteen Years of Blogging

Today marks 16 years of writing this blog. The collection of ramblings began as "Musings Over a Pint" on October 6, 2007. As I sorted out the "identity" of the Musings, the title eventually changed to "Musings Over a Barrel." I stated in that first post, "I have no idea what this will turn in to" and still today the topics continue morph with my interests and the times.

Heck, I'm not even sure anyone reads this stuff, except me. And I re-read it frequently. As with looking through a photo album, it's fun to reminisce. Writing the blog gives me an excuse to seek out new cigars and bourbons to try. (Yeah, that's it.) I also find writing the posts to be relaxing, most are written with my morning coffee. Which might explain the typos.

To those of you who may check in here on occasion, thanks for stopping by. Tell your friends. ;-) 

I might as well plug my related Instagram posts as well.


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