Today, February 10, marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint José Sánchez del Río. On this day in 1928, a 14-year-old boy was executed by Mexican government forces for refusing to renounce his Catholic faith during the Cristero War. This period of brutal persecution, led by Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles, was poignantly depicted in the film For Greater Glory.
Saint José was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on November 20, 2005, and canonized by Pope Francis on October 16, 2016. Despite his young age, his courage and unwavering faith have made him an enduring symbol of religious freedom and devotion.
Saint José’s story is tragically underappreciated, particularly among American Catholics. Yet many may unknowingly recognize his face. A famous photograph of the boy standing alongside Cristero fighters often adorns the walls of Mexican restaurants in the United States. Few diners realize that this young man, who fought and died for his faith, is now a canonized Saint.
After being captured by government forces, José was subjected to unspeakable torment. Forced to witness the execution of fellow Catholics, he was repeatedly pressured to denounce his faith and cry, “Death to Christ the King.” He steadfastly refused.
On the day of his execution, José was forced to walk barefoot to his grave after the soles of his feet were cut. Along the way, he was repeatedly stabbed with bayonets, yet he continued to proclaim, “¡Viva Cristo Rey!” (Long live Christ the King!).
When he reached his grave, the soldiers shot him. Even then, José drew a cross in the dirt with his own blood as a final act of faith and defiance. Enraged by the boy’s resistance, the commander shot him in the head.
The Cristero War, during which countless Catholics were killed for their beliefs, is a dark chapter often ignored in history books in both the United States and Mexico. It is a story of oppression and heroism that all freedom-loving people should know.
Saint José Sánchez del Río is a powerful model of faith, courage, and resistance against tyranny. His steadfastness in the face of unimaginable suffering is a challenge to all of us to stand firm in our beliefs, no matter the cost.
May we draw strength from his example when our own faith is tested.
Saint José Sánchez del Río, Pray For Us!
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