Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post-Surgery Reflections: Pain, Progress, and Gratitude

It’s now been a week since my back surgery, so I figured it was time for another update — part catharsis, part progress report. The best news of all, by every measure, the surgery was a success. I’m still dealing with plenty of post-surgical pain, and my activities are very limited, but overall, things are heading in the right direction.

The surgeon gave an encouraging report after the extensive procedure. He removed a good amount of arthritic bone, along with disc and ligament material, and also took out a substantial cyst — big enough that he held up the tip of his thumb to show the size. After clearing out all those extras, he placed some hardware and fused the the L4 and L5 vertebrae.

That fusion is why this recovery will be a marathon — the bone graft needs time to fully heal. Fortunately, the surgeon noted that my bone quality is excellent, so he expects the healing process to go smoothly, even if it takes time.

My hospital stay was brief — just one night. Since my vitals were stable and I could (very carefully) move around, they discharged me about 24 hours after surgery. I knew the goal was to get me up and walking quickly, but I didn’t expect my first walk to happen at 1:30 in the morning! Apparently, healing doesn’t follow regular hours.

The most encouraging part of all this? From the moment I woke up, the pain I’d lived with for over a year — in my back, legs, and feet — was completely gone. It’s surreal. The surgical pain is still intense, but that’s a very different kind of pain — and one I can handle, knowing the old pain is finally behind me.

Of course, I’m not getting through this alone. I’m deeply grateful for the support of my friends, the surgical team, and, most importantly, my wife — my primary caregiver in the weeks and months ahead. Her patience, care, and steady presence make this recovery possible. I’m also incredibly thankful for the outpouring of prayers, encouragement, and love from so many people. My faith — and the faith of those walking this road with me — has been a profound source of comfort and strength.

For now, my focus is on slowly regaining strength and expanding my mobility. I’m already drifting into the “bored” phase, which is its own challenge. I’ve got some interesting books lined up, but staying comfortable enough to focus has been tricky. The highlight of each day has been my short walks — and with the weather warming up and the first hints of spring in the air, even a few minutes outside feels like a gift. Those outdoor walks are far more enjoyable (and probably more healing) than endlessly circling the living room.

I can feel progress, and that’s what matters most. There’s a long road ahead, but I’m encouraged by every small step.


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