Some of my favorite links having to do with the shooting sports, gun rights, and freedom in general.
Local (Virginia and Surrounding) Shooting Clubs, Matches and Ranges
General Shooting, Firearms and Freedom Interest
Local (Virginia and Surrounding) Shooting Clubs, Matches and Ranges
- Black Creek IDPA
- Black Creek Steel Shooting
- Fredericksburg Practical Shooters
- Cavalier IDPA
- Christiansburg IWLA Action Pistol
- Colonial Shooting Academy (Closed)
- Elite Shooting Sports (Closed)
- Fairfax Rod & Gun Club
- Greater Richmond Blasters
- Green Top Range
- International Defensive Pistol Association
- Peacemaker National Training Center
- Quantico Practical Shooters
- Richmond 3 Gun
- Rivanna Action Pistol
- Shadow Hawk Defense
- Sanner's Lake IDPA
- Southern Maryland IDPA
- The Range
- United States Practical Shooting Association
- USPSA Area 8
- Virginia Gun Owners Forum
- Active Response Training √
- A Geek With Guns
- Anderson Shooting √
- Ballseye's Boomers
- Bayou Renaissance Man
- Borepatch
- Clayton Cramer
- DaddyBear's Den
- Fill Yer Hands
- FPF Training √
- From the Caer
- Gabriel Possenti Shooters √
- Gun Blog Black List
- GunUp Blog Network
- In the MIDDLE of the RIGHT
- Irons in the Fire
- Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership
- Law of Self Defense √
- Lex Anteinternet
- Massad Ayoob on Guns √
- Men of the West
- Miguel’s Substack
- Preachers and Horse Thieves
- Raging Against Self Defense (Why your anti-gun neighbors should worry you.)
- Tactical Professor
- The Adventures of Roberta X
- The Feral Irishman
- The Gun Feed
- The Night Wind
- The Silicon Graybeard
- View From The Porch
- Virginia Citizens Defense League
- Virginia Shooting Sports Association
- Way Up North
- Weer'd World
- American Thinker
- Common Cents
- Jihad Watch
- Page Nine
- Pajamas Media
- The Bull Elephant
- The Daily Caller
- The Night Wind
Catholicism & Faith
√ Bloggers I've met
- A Priest Life
- Catholic Vote
- Creative Minority Report
- Gabriel Possenti Shooters √
- Fr. Z's Blog
- Orbis Catholicus Secundus
- The Catholic Gentleman
√ Bloggers I've met
Do you link to Musings Over a Barrel from your site? Let me know and I'll reciprocate.
Updated: 03/06/2025